National Farmers Market Week
Is your Farmers Market listed with Introductory offer just $1 a month).
Have a review of a Market or Product at a Market, post at
Our mission is Healthier Choices for a Healthier Society.
This weekend, Aug. 7-8 please support your local Farmers markets!
Can’t attend, send an Uber to pick up some produce and have them deliver it to a food pantry.
I will be at the Gallatin Valley Farmers Market today, and next Saturday.
Bev and I are at the Emporia Farmers Market from August-June.
My favorite Emporia Vendors are-All of them!
My favorite Montana Vendors are:
The Managers-Sarah, Alyssa, and John.
Chef Jenn Stoker-Chef prepared meals delivered to your door.
Faux Mages, Plant Based Artisan Cheeses by Peg Schafer.
High Ground, D & D Nest, Stevens, Michael’s, Terra Greens, Highland Harmony and Amaltheia Farms for our produce.